Just 20 minutes before taking off, I was going through all the posts I have taken from the embassy of Qatar to Argentina, I chose to pay them a visit on the way to the airport. Met with Salman who invited me for a cigar to celebrate the completion of “Between the Poles”. Had some photos with him and the 2 flags before waving me off to the airport. The weather was horrible, none stop of heavily showers of rain. I could see flooding water on the sides of the street. The driver sounded disappointed and wasn’t sure whether we will reach on time or not, although we have left like 6 hours before the flight departure. Back to the photos! I was deleting the ugly ones, especially the ones that I looked fat on! Trying to kill time not thinking of what is coming next and rethinking about my decision is to make it to Germany instead of Qatar! The flight will be long, let me enjoy the best of it and look forward of what ill be doing in Germany.

the cigar i got at the embassy from Salman to celebrate the completion of my adventure

last photo in Argentina, before departing the country

the photo posted on my social media, telling the world I will be gone for a long holiday!

Mr. Salman Alkhulaifi Treating me with a big dish of Seafood before heading to the hotel
This has taken me to my next flight! Which was a month later, the 6 hours flight back to Doha, but felt like the longest flight ever! Again, I chose to have my blanket before taking off, checking my phone photo gallery and going through the videos of the trip while asking myself questions; is it worth it? Leaving my job for this? Is it worth landing in Doha with the possibility of getting arrested? Naa I don’t think so! I have achieved something for Qatar! I think HH the emir would honor me for what I have done, then ill go back to my boss and get my retirement approved! Yes, I think it is going this way.
The pilot has announced the taking off, I had to put my phone on flight mode trying to get myself busy with the magazine or watch any movie to kill some time! I kept checking my watch and every 5 minutes I check the time and felt like every 5 hours. It was the longest flight I have ever taken! It even felt way longer than the actual “between the poles” trip! Having lots of scenarios in my head on how will I arrive to Doha! Are they going to arrest me? are then dragging me from the Airport to work? Or are they going to put me in airport jail? All these questions could be an exaggeration but I had to put them in mind being always expecting the worst! All that because I was considered as “absent” to report to work. To avoid the justification now, I was getting close to landing and I was preparing to charge my phone, getting my Qatari number fixed on the device, and packing all the cables and stuff I had on me into my backpack and my helmet case! We have landed and I am getting ready to leave expecting anything!
Got out of the plane looking for the signs to exit, walked a bit faster than all passengers until I reached the exit and noticed that officer standing with a sharp face staring at me, I slowed my pace down, looked around if there is another one that officer is staring at him, he wasn’t too far from me, but I tried to walk toward him as slow as possible. Could he be the one to arrest me? could it be another “wanted” passenger? No, he was aiming for me! he stared at me, and the moment I got closer, he took his hand out of his pocket and I started touching my pockets myself searching for my phone and got it out. As I have approached him to tell him I need to make a call! I was about to say: can I at least call my family to tell them I’m not coming home tonight? He approached with a big smile saying: welcome back home champ! Say what?! Who are you!? It took me 5 seconds to realize that this officer with 3 stars has just called me champ! Then he continued saying: I am here to welcome you on behalf of the HOG and all the bikers outside waiting for you! Oh! No! and you are? He said: I am a biker myself! But on a duty today! Come on get on the club car, the crowd is waiting outside! That moment I forgot all about work and felt so proud of myself! Imagining if dad is there too! He never misses an opportunity to welcome me back! Felt like a real hero headed to the crowd and I see my friends waiting from distance pointing their phones at me, first who hugged me was my friend bu Yousef! Then my cousin Ali with flowers and I was looking for my dad who was still on the way! Oh, wow I can hear bikes rolling! What is going on!? Then Abdulla walks in and tells me to move as police wont allow bikers to stay long by the entrance. Dad arrived with a shy smile, hugged me and I kissed his forehead. I had to run to the bikes, glad I had my helmet with me, I sat behind Abdulla on his Harley, and I could see around 30 bikes, took me to next petrol station, where there are around 50 bikes, and some friends driving their cars! And even my dog evvy was there with Noor! We rode towards the Harley dealer where the real deal would start there!
I have arrived with all the bikes and there is another big crowd waiting, social media influencers, all media channels, newspaper reporters, old friends, family, friends I have never expected to see and of course my dad and brother. I had lots of talk to all media channels, I was honored by HOG with an honorary member and worn the vest. Gave a little speech and took lots of photos with many friends and fans. I felt like a real hero noticing my dad’s looks “who was also begging me not to go on more trips” the same time was giving me the proud look. This same look I saw on his eyes when I graduated from uni back in 2003.

H.E. Ambassador of Argentina to Doha, was the very first who welcomed me in Doha right after my arrival, since then we are and still great friends.

During the little speech I had to give to the crowd at the Harley dealer, brother Dr. Hamad Al-Jaber was next to me. and President of HOG Mr. Abdullah Almahshadi was next to him

when receiving my Award, being an honorary member of HOG with my father
After the great welcome and interviews, there was another interview but that one we should drive to the studios of Al Kass channels, so I jumped back on Abdulla’s Harley to the last interview, while I was preparing for my talk, I get a message from work: welcome back, your court is tomorrow, to see you at 7 am. This has caused me to look nervous at the interview, but I have done well. Happiest day of the trip wasn’t just happy!