a candle blown out
During a warm day of spring of 1995, I was attending a biology class when I was attending my 12th grade at age of 17, ACs was out of order and that year I had an exception to get a driving license, I was winked at by my friend Mubarak to leave the class for […]
Mongolia – Part 5 (last)
Next morning was a short ride to the city of Olgi, we had a lazy morning and left almost 10 am on a straight forward road until we reach the lodge where we would be staying, we were supposed to have it as our base before heading to the highlands and tough terrains. In this […]
Mongolia – Part 4
It was an exciting morning when I felt I would be getting on the bike again after 2 days of boring, in the bumpy truck chasing the motorcyclists. I felt somehow jealous that my bike was ridden by Anchar the past couple days, yes, I don’t own the bike but due to the relationship I […]
Mongolia – Part 3
I got myself into my gear as soon as possible to be ready for the ride with full excitement, but before that, I have prepared my GoPro and phone to record a time-lapse video of Mandala and rest of the boys doing the packing magic which I didn’t want to miss! Normally Mandala would get […]
Mongolia – Part 2
I woke up very drowsy from the lack of sleep and the amount of spicy food I had the night before, Katharina was already waiting in the breakfast area ready and packed, I was excited that I put on my gear before brushing my teeth and fixing my contact lenses. I walked to check the […]
Mongolia – Part 1
It was first day of March, the temperature was still below zero that morning when I was heading to German class on my motorcycle, I started my day by peeling off the ice from my motorcycle’s seat to ride to class and to avoid feeling the cold, I put my headphones on to call a […]
Woke up with a big panic, assuming I have overslept and therefore missed my ferry ride! It was around 7 am, it was the day I would finally depart Europe back to Africa, but this time to Tunisia! I was lucky to find a ferry that reduce my long riding time in Europe like how […]
Learning German
Yesterday was the last day of my course at Goethe Institute after 6 and half weeks of exciting education training and networking with students from all around the world, this step which I have been delaying since 1997 which was the first time I have ever stepped into Germany, not letting my mind to digest […]
Voiceless in Thailand
While I was having my breakfast in Shimla, India, during my motorcycle trip, I heard Adam talking to Jamal about shipping their bikes to Nepal where they will start another trip in October, I didn’t pay attention to it until I am back to Doha, started thinking seriously to join another 2 weeks of another […]