Khalid has announced his next adventure this year 2021 to be to Algeria, however the plan in 2021 was supposed to be dedicated to Finland, and Algeria was scheduled to be for 2023. Khalid has decided to move it to 2021 after a tweet by Qatar Airways when they announced that Algeria would be the top destination for Adventure tourism for the next decade. Khalid replied to their tweet announcing to do this trip and wondering whether there would be any collaboration. Since February Khalid has been doing lots of public relations, TV & Radio interviews promoting Algeria and speaking to Algerian Media. following the same with all his previous trips, Khalid decided to give this name #BoardingTassili which would be the hashtag he will use before, during and after his next adventure.
Khalid is planning to spend around three months in Algeria, starting from El Qalah, crossing to it from Tunisia and heading all the way south to the desert to reach the bottom south, then heading northwest to to North, where he will end his trip in the Capital. Khalid has announced that he would spend the next months meeting Algerian officials, doing more interviews and promote this trip on his social media.