How painful are the vicissitudes of life, the hour you find in your class, and the hours you may find going against your desires and dreams, but the intelligent human being who carries within him a lot of positive energy alone can win in times of crisis, and the Qatari traveler Khaled Al Jaber is a good example, he is the adventurous person who used to spend the majority months of the year on trips around the world, sitting optimistically and positively at home respecting the instructions of the state and the measures imposed by the Ministry of Health, enjoying his time, enjoying the psychological and moral balance, enjoying the psychological and moral balance, preparing with all enthusiasm to spend the rest of the year, preparing with all enthusiasm to spend the night, Ramadan is among his family.
At the beginning, the Qatari traveler Khaled Al Jaber says: As soon as the prohibition period began I decided to divide my time to take advantage of the sitting period at home as much as possible, for example the morning period I always devote to reading or follow the education of my daughters remotely, but the afternoon i devoted to playing sports, and the evening to play some computer games and PlayStation, but the night period is dedicated to organizing my own blog and writing my book which I decided to finish at the end of the year.

The enthusiasm to wait!

“Frankly, I am very excited this time for Ramadan despite the domestic ban, but this is the first year I have spent Ramadan in Doha since 2016, when my schedule has been busy with travel for the past five years, it is a great opportunity to spend more time with the family. But it pains me that the current circumstances will prevent us from visiting the family and enjoying the Ramadan atmosphere that we have been accustomed to since childhood, but we have to endure these conditions for our safety and the safety of all members of society.

Home stone pros

As for how much he was able not to go out on his trips, which he used to go on his adventures for a long time, he said: Frankly, I was always like a butterfly in the box in case I was prevented from leaving the house for any reason, and I always repeat that sitting at home for me is a slow suicide, but I discovered that this is the only thing I needed in my life to get psychological and moral balance. Friends who complain about sitting at home were surprised and how they could not enjoy their moments in the midst of their families.
I hope that everyone will consider my acceptance to be sitting at home as an example of patience and acceptance of the new situation and its positive and high productivity exploitation. For the past three years, I have travelled 130,000 kilometres and I am at home with happiness and positivity.